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New Patients at Mainline Chiropractic and Wellness

Preparing for Your Visit

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Before your first visit, we want to ensure that you feel prepared and ready to go. Here are a few things we recommend you do ahead of time:
  • Bring any X-rays or imaging related to your condition. These records can provide valuable insights for our practitioners.
  • Complete the new patient forms. You can find these forms on our website or request them via email.
  • Prepare any questions or concerns you may have. Your active involvement is crucial in achieving optimal results.


The Onboarding Process: What to Expect

At Mainline Chiropractic and Wellness, the new patient onboarding process typically consists of one initial visit. Your journey begins with a friendly and thorough consultation with Dr. Mann. This is an opportunity for you to share your medical history, discuss your symptoms, and express your wellness goals. Open communication is key in helping us understand your unique needs.

Dr. Mann will conduct a full movement screen, perform orthopedic and neurological assessments, and utilize advanced diagnostic techniques to identify the root cause of your complaint. This comprehensive evaluation allows us to develop a deep understanding of your condition and tailor a personalized treatment plan.

After your initial evaluation, we will schedule a separate appointment known as the “review of findings.” During this visit, Dr. Mann will present you with a detailed care plan based on the exam findings. This care plan will outline the recommended treatments, their respective costs, and the expected timeline for your recovery.

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Payment Information

We believe in transparency and empowering our patients to make informed decisions about their health. Please note the following payment details:

  • All payments at Mainline Chiropractic and Wellness are made in cash. We do not accept insurance, including Medicare/Medicaid.
  • The pricing for the initial evaluation is $185.
  • Regular visits range from $65 to $130, depending on the services provided.
  • Shockwave treatments, renowned for their effectiveness, are priced between $150 and $250 per session.
  • We offer bundling options for shockwave and chiropractic care, ranging from $200 to $300.

Payment Plan Package

We understand that healthcare expenses can be a concern for many individuals. To assist our patients, we have recently implemented a payment plan package. Additionally, we provide a super bill that allows you to submit reimbursement claims to your insurance company. We encourage you to inquire further about these options during your visit.

Begin Your Wellness Journey

Take the first step today by scheduling your initial visit. Contact us now to embark on your transformative journey to natural wellness and vitality. CONTACT US

New Patients at Mainline Chiropractic and Wellness | (610) 290-7100